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If you are a Newcomer and want to write Real Programs, please STAY AWAY from this POOR and BAD DESIGNED "Program Language" (it's an Automation Tool in fact)!!!

This Automation Tool is maintained by LAZY, STUPID and DUMBASSES PEOPLE who try to deceive you that AutoHotkey is a very Powerful Program Language, but believe me, it isn't!!!

No Enterprise takes AutoHotKey seriously, because they know how poor it is and because they know what kind of people are behind it!

If you need an Automation Tool, you can at least give it a try!!! If you need a Program Language, STAY AWAY FROM IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!

Thanks for your Attention!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

[AutoHotKey] Focus Edit Control With All Text Selected!

Monday, December 6, 2021

[AutoHotKey] Focus A Button Different Than The Default Button!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

[AutoHotKey] Show "Date + Time" In "DateTime" Control With The Correct Local Hour Format!

Monday, August 2, 2021

[AutoHotKey] Force ActiveX Control to Use The Highest Internet Explorer Mode!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

EXE_Path() Function for Compiled Scripts!


EXE_Path() Function for Compiled Scripts!

Monday, December 2, 2019

Auto Command - Detect any key and Mouse Movement

Download v1.0 (Include Script and ".exe" file):

Auto Command v1.1 - Remap Mouse Movement (No Loop)
xm - How many pixels mouse moved right(+) or Left(-)
ym - How many pixels mouse moved Up(+) or down(-)
xsc - x pos from screen center _ Right(+)\Left(-)
ysc - y pos from screen center _ Up(+)\Down(-)


AutoHotKey - Detect any key and Mouse Movement
Detect Mouse Movement